Meet Valkyrie, the new legend of Apex Legends
The new season of Apex Legends starts next week (May 4), and in addition to the already confirmed new fashion (Arenas), the main novelty will be a new legend - Valkyrie. Real name Kairi Imahra, this 27-year-old has had the experience of operating Titan since she was a child, as she is the daughter of one of the characters from Titanfall 2.
But Valkyrie in Apex does not have a Titan but a jetpack and can fly freely on the map. Admittedly, it can't fly indefinitely because its jetpack consumes fuel, but it renews itself - after a while. Combined with the jetpack, the rocket attack (with 12 missiles) goes well, while its ultimate ability to soar high into the sky (and in doing so can lead other team members).