One guy made a Nintendo Switch that is impossible to lose

biggest Switch in the world

It has been rumored in recent weeks that the new model of the Nintendo Switch console could have a larger diagonal screen. However, even before the so-called Switch Pro was announced, the story of another "professional" version of the Switch spread on the Internet - one that is 650% larger than the standard one.

Namely, the American engineer Michael Pick took on the task of making the bulkiest model of the Switch that works. As Pick says, he likes the standard Switch because of its portability, but his problem is that it gets lost easily. So he made a model that weighs almost 30 pounds - and that one is a little harder to lose.

This Switch mode is a TV with a built-in Switch console and controllers made with a 3D printer. All the keys on the huge Joy-Con are functional and connected to the actual commands, and have their power system so they don’t drain the battery.

What benefits does anyone get from the biggest Switch in the world? Of course, no one will play with the Joy-Con imitation, but when the additional controllers are connected, this is Switch + TV.

Michael Pick himself decided to donate his creation to a children’s hospital in Nashville. Judging by the first reactions, the kids liked the biggest Switch in the world, and Pick says that donating was the best part of this whole project.

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