It Is No Longer Possible to Create a Psn Account on Old PlayStation Consoles

It Is No Longer Possible to Create a Psn Account on Old PlayStation Consoles

The PlayStation 3 console was the first to ask players to create a PlayStation Network account. Now it has become impossible to create a PSN account on that console. With a new update of version 4.89 for the PlayStation 3, as well as an update of 3.74 for the PlayStation Vito, Sony has removed several user account control settings from the system of these consoles.

To create a new PSN account now, which is still required if you plan to use PS3 and PS Vita online, you will need to do so using your mobile phone or PC. In case you forget the password/password of your user account and log out of the PS3 / PSV console, you will no longer ask for the password reset on these consoles but on the web, ie on a PC or mobile phone.

This is just another in a series of moves by which Sony is retiring its old PlayStation platforms. Last year, the possibility of buying games through these consoles was removed. Games in digital form can still be purchased and downloaded to the console, but the purchase must be made via a PC or newer PlayStation consoles.

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