Scavengers has been Canceled for Consoles

Scavengers has been Canceled for Consoles

About a year ago, the free-to-play game Scavengers was launched on the PC platform. It was about the PvEvP format of the game in an open environment, signed by the former developers of Halo and Battlefield games. Although the game started well with about 15,000 active players, it quickly dropped in popularity and was played by less than a thousand users on Steam for a full year. No wonder the game doesn't have a bright future.

Namely, it has just been announced that the versions of Scavengers for consoles have been canceled. The PC version will stay alive until further notice and a small team is working on it, but the developers themselves have found a new owner - they were bought by the studio responsible for the hit game Dead by Daylight. Most of the employees immediately started working on a new project, which has nothing to do with the Scavengers.

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